Anxiety Therapist in Roslyn, New York

5 Star Rated Local Anxiety Therapy in Long Island NY

Work with a Top Rated Anxiety Therapist in Manhattan Near Columbus Circle


Looking for an “Anxiety Therapist Near Me” in New York?

Dr. Maria Shifrin has 12+ years of experience working with individuals suffering with anxiety. Together we identify triggers that cause anxiety within daily life. Our goal is to create a plan that helps individuals identify when they are experiencing anxious feelings and create a skillset to counteract these emotions. Through deep breathing, meditation, affirmations, mantras and other wellness practices. Dr. Shifrin believes in putting you back in the drivers seat. We focus on what is within our control to help elevate moods, decrease anxiety and strengthen relationships.

Dr. Shifrin is available for appointments in person at her midtown Manhattan office, and in Roslyn, and virtually via telehealth.

Want to speak with a professional?

If you would like to speak with an anxiety therapist in NYC please call us at 646-883-3031 or fill out our contact form.

Approaches that work:

  • Mindfulness

  • Positive Psychology

  • Cognitive Therapy

  • Insight Oriented Therapy

Our Anxiety Therapy is Ideal for:

  • People who consider themselves as worriers

  • Individuals suffering from anxiety

  • People who worry about things outside of their control

  • Anyone who’s life choices are limited by the anxiety they experience

Free Consultation


Testimonials from Real Clients

“Felt like I was really being listened to”


“Comforting and gave practical advice”


“I’ve recommended Dr. Shifrin to a friend”

Dr. Maria Shifrin - Couples Therapist Near Me in Columbus Circle Manhattan.jpg

Schedule an in-Person or Virtual Appoint at our Roslyn or Manhattan locations